
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

When we moved stuff from the junior school


On Wednesday we were moving all the stuff from the juniors and there were tables, boxes, books shelfs, chairs and toys and it was kind of easy and hard moving the stuff.

On Thursday I went with Mr herlihy to the junkyard and when we got to the Junkyard we were helping the workers put the Metal into the Green bin and when we were finished. Then we went to go and get Mr Herlihy's car and when we went into his car he took me and Kisina back to school and we done painting and singing.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

my home

my home I was siki and I  had a feva and a kofi and I  stayed home and i was liying dayn on the bed and I was hagre so I  toyd  my sisder to go and coll my dad and mum and ti was fun

Thursday, June 13, 2019

in kiwcan we play a game colld min feyod  and ti was fun bekos we got to wak ard the cons and it was fstsgrading  bekos we  wokd arnd the conds and we nedid to clos  awr  iys and the ledr has to tak as to the  finsh lin and ole  3 pepol mad it and the adr pepol  was taching the cown

Thursday, June 6, 2019


this is my writing that i did after watching a video

There was 2 old man fishing. Then one old man sneezed and his teeth came out. The other old man started to laugh. When the old man went to get his teeth the other old man leaned the boat over so the teeth can fall down to the sea. 5 minutes later the other old man caught a fish in the sea and the man was getting the fish up from the sea .And when he got it up from the water he put his fake teeth inside the fish and the man was laughing and the other old man wasn't laughing. Then he took the fake teeth out of the fish is mouth . The other old man checked the fake tooth then he did not like it so he chucked it in the ocean. Then the other old man got angry.